Introduction to Unreal Engine 4

Talk held on the 10th of October 2019 at MakeIt Modena for the Italian C++ Community.

Beign an introduction, I took the chance to shed some light on game engines in general, describing their overall architecture and how some mandatory requirements made them evolve in complex frameworks.

At this point, I could start diving into Unreal Engine 4, highlighting some key benefits and interesting aspects of this engine, especially if you are a C++ developer. As with every decent introduction in the world of programming, I could not avoid showing an Hello, World project. We then moved on making this example a little bit more Unreal-esque, turning the text into a dynamic string that can be edited in various ways.

During the last half an hour, we had a glimpse at UObjects, AActors, components and saw how they relate to each other and how they interact with the UE4’s garbage collector. We also saw the mostly used containers and data structures that Epic implemented, along with some useful information and suggestions to make the most out of them.
